November Newsletter 2017

November Newsletter 2017

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Society for Poole November Newsletter 2017

Chairman’s Note

Welcome to the latest Newsletter, time seems to fly past and we are now knocking on the door of Christmas! Over the past few months you will have received, either by email or by written letter, a copy of the proposed objectives of the Society. The vast majority of responses have been positive, both to the open approach and to the vision and objectives which have been proposed. With this endorsement of the direction of the Society I hope to be able to put in place the framework to move us forward. This will mean initially establishing 2 new sub committees, Heritage and Green Spaces, whilst boosting our Planning team. In this regard I would welcome anyone with a passion for these areas and a willingness to join the teams to let me know. Once up and running we can then start to move towards playing a more central role as a Civic Society for the whole of Poole.

Meanwhile we are also looking ahead to the summer and after the Sea Bounds of 2017 we are looking to see if we can Beat the Land Bounds. The aim is to restore plaques at each of the bounds and to “inspect” them in a charabang, perhaps with an afternoon tea stop! So, watch this space!

Events this quarter included the boat trip to Wareham. Thanks to Gordon Brown for helping to pull this together. A real shame that the sky decided to fall on us, but it was great to see so many brave the elements and to work together with Poole Maritime Trust to make it happen, we look forward to the next outing. We also hosted the open day at the Guildhall which was attended by about 60 people. I am sure that with our Heritage Committee next year’s presenter can do a better job!

Meanwhile I hope to see everyone at the annual lunch in November (I hope everyone has their ticket) and the Christmas event, also a reminder that the Christmas event and all talks in 2018 will be held at the Royal British Legion hall in North Street Parkstone where there the facilities include a large room for talks and presentations as well as a bar serving drinks and coffees where we can sit down and catch up after the events. Have a happy Christmas to all and a wonderful 2018.

Mike Pearce October 2017

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