View from Poole Summer 2019

View from Poole Summer 2019

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Chairman’s Note

Let me start with the AGM which went very well with a unanimous agreement for the Society to be formed into a limited company so we can protect our members from anything that is thrown at us, but also to bring ourselves up to date and have a legal entity and a constitution which is modern and befits a well
organised and active society. I am pleased that this is now being activated, The Society for Poole Limited is now an “active” company and the bank account is being opened in that name so we can “trade”
from it. There has been a lot of work undertaken to make this happen so my thanks especially to Colin Hinwood for all his hard work.

Meanwhile we are looking forward to the wonderful new blue plaque, which Andrew Hawkes brought along to the AGM, to events on the Quay for the Marine Festival and Harry Paye Day as well as the Society attending Hamworthy Park Fete for the first time in many years; and of course, the Guildhall for Dorset Heritage week in September. Andrew Hawkes has kindly agreed to release some of his old postcard images for sale, we also hope to have more old photos of Poole and of course our pins and stickers. Each of
these events will need help in manning the gazebo etc, as such please let me know if you are available to help out. If you can’t help, then of course it would be great to see you there.

This year we have agreed to work closely with Bournemouth & Poole College in North Road. Initially with their photographic department to mirror some of the old images of Poole in a “then and now” display, some of which may be available for the Quay events, but we aim to establish a long-term relationship with them to cover several initiatives and exhibitions. Hopefully we will also be able to draw on these new images of Poole to support our activities, create posters, notice boards and to hold events.

With the Easter sun giving us all a taste of summer, I hope everyone has a great time throughout the Summer and that our visitors enjoy our beautiful beaches and historic town. I look forward to catching up with everyone at our events and of course at the monthly talks.

Mike Pearce

[email protected]

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