View from Poole Autumn 2020

View from Poole Autumn 2020

Chairman’s Note

Welcome back to this unreal world which we now find ourselves. Normal but not as we used to know it. The virus has taken such a toll on everyone, our hearts go out to the families of those who have been lost and who are directly affected by it but in some ways it influences everything we
now do. We can however take solace in the fact that we are in one of the lowest areas of infection in the country and live in such a beautiful place that staying local is not a hardship.

Naturally I am sorry that we have not been able to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE or VJ Day, however I very much hope that we can get things back next year for the 75+1 anniversary.
We therefore aim to make it extra special and to really make a mark. We have decided to focus on VJ Day 2021 ( Sunday 15th August) and to be able to attract more WW2 military vehicles etc (if you know any of the clubs please put them in touch with me) Meanwhile please also have a look at the
“Poole at War” Facebook page, set up by the Society for Poole and run by Andrew Hawkes. This has attracted some great photos and memories of the time.

Over this period, we have unfortunately decided to suspend all our talks and general activities, at least until the Spring. This is a great shame as the talks were well attended and this was a large part of getting together and learning more about our historic town.

Meanwhile more people are set to enjoy the delights of “staycationing” and there is a great opportunity for them to visit the town, have a look around and come back in the future. It’s unfortunate that we struggle to keep up with the litter and inconsiderate parking that comes with them but the upside to the town, its bars and restaurants, is significant. As such accepting
the “grockles” has been and will continue to be a part of the summer season in Poole, and as you can read from the article, Poole was not always so glamourous!

I wish everyone well, stay safe, keep fit and well and I look forward to catching up in person soon. Meanwhile if you would like to contact me I would welcome any correspondence.

Meanwhile, stay safe, I hope you enjoy this magazine and I look forward to seeing everyone as soon as it is safe to do so.

Mike Pearce

[email protected]

Download “View from Poole Newsletter Autumn Edition 2020” View-from-Poole-Autumn-2020.pdf – Downloaded 2723 times – 1.23 MB

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