View from Poole Summer 2020

View from Poole Summer 2020

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Chairman’s Note

What a difference a virus makes. As I write this we don’t really know when the lockdown will end for certain although many areas of life are now drifting back – not to normal – but people are
returning to work and the roads.

I trust everyone is fit and well, even if a little tired of the situation and stir crazy from not going out. If there is anything we can do please let one of the Executive know.

Unfortunately for the foreseeable future meetings and events will not be able to take place and so
regrettably our talks and event the VE/VJ Day parade and events on the Quay has had to be postponed. We now plan to aim for the summer of 21 and mark the 75+1 anniversary of the victories and to acknowledge the town and it’s people’s role in the War. This is naturally some way off and as we have seen, many things can change but we hope that by next summer we can arrange a bigger and even brighter event than we originally had planned!

We worked well with a team to organise the event, including BCP Council (they eventually came up
trumps with financial and moral support) also with commercial sponsors and our organising partners in the shape of the Royal British Legion, Poole Quays Forum and Poole BID. We decided not to put up the information boards down the High Street – as no one was going there however Poole BID are placing a poster on the window of what used to be G&T Cards near Lloyds Bank and with the help of Andrew Hawkes a Facebook page called “Poole at War” has many interesting images of Poole.

We don’t know when the talks can be resumed as naturally keeping everyone safe is key. We will work with the Royal British Legion to see how we can have access to the hall and maintain distance etc but that is for later.

Meanwhile, stay safe, I hope you enjoy this magazine and I look forward to seeing everyone as soon as it is safe to do so.

Mike Pearce

[email protected]

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