VE/VJ Day Commemoration Poole 75+1 Anniversary

VE/VJ Day Commemoration Poole 75+1 Anniversary

15/08/2021 @ 13:00 – 17:00 Europe/London Timezone
High Street & The Quay
Poole BH15 1BW
Mike Pearce
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VE/VJ Day Commemoration Poole 15th August 2021 (75+1 Anniversary)

Event Details

Poole High Street and Quay
COST: Free of charge

Overview of Event

The VE/VJ Heritage Event in Poole is scheduled to acknowledge the role Poole as a town, and its
people played during WW2. The focus of the event is heritage and education with information story boards erected down the High Street (which will remain for the duration of the period from VE day to VJ day and along the Quay on the day.

Poole and its people contributed considerably during the war with the town playing a key role during D-Day, however much of the story of Poole’s involvement in the war has been forgotten. The aim is therefore to provide information to a new generation of residents of Poole about the town’s story, whilst acknowledging the sacrifice of the people from the town throughout the European and Asian campaigns.

Download “VE/VJ Day Commemoration Poole Event Summary”

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