Newsletter Autumn Edition 2018

Newsletter Autumn Edition 2018

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View from Poole

Chairman’s Note

What a great summer it has been – and we are not through yet! The Society for Poole continues to attract new members and through events such as Harry Paye Day and Poole Harbour Boat Show we are able to promote Poole and the Society in general. Thanks to all those who assisted with the events, it was great to see so many members on the Quay and a warm welcome to our new members.

The Summer is a wonderful time in Poole, the harbour is full of small craft with wind and kite surfers whizzing up and down just in and outside the harbour at Sandbanks. Meanwhile the beaches are full and ice cream sales have gone through the roof. Its pleasing to see our parks so well utilized, Upton as well as Poole and especially Hamworthy Park are all full
of life and sounds of fun. We hope to work with all the parks in the coming year to assist in promoting them and working
to help generate funds and interest.

I am especially pleased that we have Jan Marsh to lead our Heritage sub Committee. Jan has previously been on the Executive of the Society acting as our Secretary but has returned to lead our initiatives in placing blue plaques, locating heritage information boards and liaising with other heritage groups in the town. I know she is keen to build a great team of people to support her, as such if you are free and have an interest in the heritage of our town please get in touch with her directly or myself at [email protected]

Our talks over the summer have been well received with over 60 people attending the talk by Jeremy Waters on Poole’s sea planes. We have invested in a speaker system and projector and look forward to new talks coming up – please see the events schedule.

Meanwhile we have recently heard back from the Charity Commission who consider our activities outside what they consider to be of a charity nature. As we don’t intend to stop social events, commenting on planning issues or indeed promoting Poole maybe full charity status is not within our reach. The Executive will nevertheless be looking at options and naturally we’ll update everyone in the near future.

You will also note that we continue to invest in this magazine, “View from Poole” and Facebook “Society for Poole” page as well as our own web site, Instagram and Twitter accounts. We hope you continue to enjoy the magazine as we aim to expand the magazine by potentially linking with other heritage groups so as to be able to expand the reach of the Society, to promote Poole through the articles on our history and heritage and to keeping our members informed of events and activities.

Mike Pearce Chairman
August 2018

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