View from Poole Autumn 2023

View from Poole Autumn 2023

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Chairman’s Note

Welcome to the Autumn edition of our magazine.

There has been quite a lot going on. With the Royal British Legion Hall in North Road shutting early we have been forced to move to The Con Club in Darbys Lane to hold our meetings. The first was an excellent talk by Jack Hawkins on “Poole at Dunkirk and D Day” and over 50 people attended. We will investigate the acoustics but overall, this is a good alternative location and we’re grateful that the Hall have welcomed us at short notice.

Meanwhile back in BCP land we have a new administration and the realisation that there is no money in the kitty for very much let along heritage projects. It seems Poole’s identity is being rapidly eroded into the administrative mass called BCP Council. This was highlighted to me when it was pointed out that our Mayor is not now considered the Frist Person of Poole. As such if Royalty visits it is not the Mayor who welcomes them but the Chair of BCP. This can’t be right, and we intend to raise this in the future.

Meanwhile I had a coffee with our new Mayor Cllr Jo Clements. She reached out to discuss the Beating of the Sea Bounds and other heritage issues. It seems we have a Mayor
who is willing to use “soft power” to push Poole issues and, like the Mayor of last year Cllr Tony Trent, is happy to support our projects.

Talking of projects, we now have the tender returns for the refurbishment of the heritage lighting units at the bottom of Evening Hill. This is significant progress as we anticipate the work to start in September so look out for work to start on 5 columns and some words on this in the press later.

We are also pressing ahead with the Beating of the Sea Bounds organisation, there is a lot to do as you can guess, but with a great committee of people supporting us I am confident we can get this going on the 7th of July. All we need now are sponsors and money!

We have a couple of events coming up, the opening of the Guild Hall in September and our annual lunch which this year will be at Isabel’s in Penn Hill on 15th November so please see the note in the magazine and book your attendance. I hope to see everyone at these events and at our regular talks.

Mike Pearce

[email protected]
August 2023

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