View from Poole Spring 2024

View from Poole Spring 2024

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Chairman’s Note

Welcome to the Spring 2024 edition of our magazine.

2024 has started with a rush, we have finally managed to get our five heritage lights back on their plinths at the bottom of Evening Hill (see pages 10- 11).

The organisation of Beating of the Sea Bounds on 7th July.

I have so far approached over 150 local companies for support for the event but with limited results. Further work is required to get the funds in to make the event happen and although I know it is a big ask in these difficult times, I must admit to being slightly disappointed by the reaction of many local businesses. Nevertheless, there is still time and I am optimistic that we will reach our target of £30,000. Meanwhile on the organising front our partners especially at Poole Maritime Trust and Poole Rotary have been working hard to bring together entertainers and to gather the strands which will make the event work. We have even had the Mayor of Wincheslea accept our invitation to attend, the first time in living memory!

I also can’t not mention our own birthday. 2024 represents 100 years of the Society as such we are, I believe, the longest running Civic Society in the area. Looking back over the history of the Society we have been at the centre of the growth of the town and have been influential in retaining our traditions and guiding our politicians over this period. Unfortunately, I can’t say we can go that far today as more and more the administration of our wonderful town is taken out of our hands. However, we support the notion of a Town Council for Poole and will support calls to bring some control
and budget back to Poole so we can at least store the regalia locally and focus on Poole’s unique history and heritage.

I hope you can attend our 100th AGM in April as we look to the future and the art of the possible. We greatly appreciate your support but need to look to new faces if we are to continue well into the next 100 years.

Mike Pearce
[email protected]
February 2024

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