View from Poole Summer 2021

View from Poole Summer 2021

Chairman’s Note

Welcome to this the Summer edition of the View from Poole.

As we start to welcome the warmth of the summer months it seems everyone is relieved to be released from the lock down of the winter. It has been a long winter where The Society for Poole has not been able to operate and hold our regular meetings, however, there has been a lot going on in the background with the Planning team continuing to review planning applications and the strategy of the area as well as those pulling together the VE/VJ Day heritage Event.

As you may know last year we had to postpone the event which would have been held on 8th May (the 75th anniversary of VE Day), so the organising committee decided to dust off the programme and wait until the warmer months of August – to 1pm – 5pm on the 15th August to be exact (VJ Day). This year the event will be solely held on the Quay with static displays of old military equipment and vehicles, vintage cars and small ships of the Dunkirk Flotilla will be moored alongside the Quay itself.

The event is supported by the Royal British Legion, The Royal Naval Association the RAF Association as well as the Bovington Signals Regiment, the RNLI and the Dorset Military Trust. Jazz and swing music will be by the Jemz Band, Sodapops, the Parkstone Singers and the Sea Cadet Band. Guest of honour is Mr Eddie Gaines, a D-Day Veteran. We hope to create a great 40’s theme as well as the commemorate the heritage of the town and to unveil information boards outlining the role the town took with the Flying Boats, Dunkirk and the critical role in the build-up and D-Day itself. From the 8th May information boards have been erected down the High Street and along the Quay (see page 18) telling the story of the role of the town and it’s people, please pop along, have a look and enjoy one of the largest public events organised by the Society for Poole in many years!

Mike Pearce

[email protected]
May 2021

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