View from Poole Spring 2023

View from Poole Spring 2023

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Chairman’s Note

Welcome to this the Spring 2023 edition of the View from Poole.

Time goes swiftly and we’re now well into 2023. Poole still feels a little dark and windswept, but things are changing around us. The new owners of the Barclays Bank building have erected hoardings and so will begin work to transform it into a residential block, good luck with that. Fortitudo are completing their development on the old pottery site and are starting the development just down from the Poole Hospital. We are also looking forward to BCP pulling together masterplan proposals for the Hamworthy Development site (the old power station) and being part of the Design Panel to review the proposals.

Meanwhile we are now promoting and selling the Poole flag so please have a look at our web site if you would like to have one or know someone who does. We have also tweaked our
web site itself to give more drop-down options and for people to follow the progress of some of our projects. Any feedback would be welcome. Meanwhile many thanks to the thousands who follow us on Facebook, it’s amazing its reach. Thanks to Andrew Hawkes for keeping this updated and interesting.

Meanwhile we continue to push issues with BCP. We have applied for the next round of CIL funding for a couple of our key projects, more refurbishment funds for the Heritage Lamp
Columns along Shore Road and for our Beating the Bounds event. Fingers crossed for both. We have also explored funding for an information sign at the Powder House at Baiter, however as the “pot” is apparently empty we may wait until the summer for this. We also are running around trying to find out who within BCP will grant us permission. Believe it or not even that is more difficult than you would think.

We are now kicking off our organisation committee for the Beating of the Sea Bounds. Rubicon recruitment have kindly allowed us to use their Grand Chamber above the High Street
as a meeting place and we are starting to reach out to sponsors who will be vital to make it work. We are aiming for July 2024, which sounds a long way off, but I am sure time will pass even more swiftly as the date approaches.

We will also be putting up the Louie Dingwall (front cover) blue plaque at the Beach Office in Sandbanks in April but will confirm on Facebook the exact date. It is now almost inconceivable that racehorses would run along Sandbanks beach, so we felt it important to mark the place whilst there are still people who remember her and her horses.

Mike Pearce

[email protected]
March 2023

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