We Invite You To Support Our VE/VJ Celebrations In Poole

We Invite You To Support Our VE/VJ Celebrations In Poole

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SfP Small logoPoole and its people played a vital role during WW2, the town became the largest international airport, sent craft to assist with Dunkirk, hosted small raiding parties which formed into the SAS and SBS, was the third largest embarkation port for troops on D Day and hosted the US base for their search and rescue teams, working closely with the RNLI, and indeed many of the landing craft were actually made here.

Unfortunately, BCP Council appear unable to fully support an event for the town as such the Society for Poole, a not for profit society who’s focus is on the history and culture of Poole, is looking to organise an event for the town on May 8th (bank holiday) to make the 75th anniversary of VE/VJ day a fun and informative commemoration of the day for the town.

The event will include storyboards down the High Street telling the story of the town’s part and the people of the town; walking guides who will expand on the boards and provide more personal information; WW2 military vehicles placed down the High Street, live singers singing songs of the period, bunting erected down the High Street; a parade of Veterans, Army, Sea and Air Cadets and entertainment on the Quay.

Sandbanks Troops
There will be an address people on the Quay to reiterate the national message of peace and a fly-by from the Royal Navy. Collections will be made for the Royal British Legion who are part of and fully endorsing the event.

We are looking for gold (£1,000), silver (£500) and bronze (£250) sponsors to contribute to the costs of closing the Quay, security and medical teams etc and would be grateful if you could consider supporting this event for the people of Poole. Sponsors will be recognised on all promotional materials, boards and the website.

If you are able to support us that would be fantastic and I look forward to hearing from you, if not I hope you will be able to attend and enjoy the day.

Chairman – Society for Poole
Donate to support VE/VJ day in Poole

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